“You know Eddie, a little make up would do wonders for you. Your new face is boyish but some makeup would make it girlish, and would be right in keeping with the outfit.
“Aw come on,” he said. “Don’t even think about it. Enough is enough.”
She looked at him and shrugged. “Okay big shot maybe you want to handle your problems by yourself. I’ll drive you back to your place in the morning and you work it out with Big Joe.”
She turned to leave the room when Eddie grabbed her arm.
“I was only kidding honey. Go ahead put the make up on me if it makes you happy.”
“No Eddie, I want you to be happy too. I won’t do it unless you really mean you want to be made up, and look like a girl. Now if you really ask me sincerely, and I mean sincerely, I’ll do it. I mean you tell me exactly what you want done and why.”