From LIttle Miss Prim...
"You must train that voice, Darling!" she observed when the song was done. " believe that few young girls can sing so well, and I know!"
"I'd rather not." I replied a bit uncomfortably. I've tried very hard to speak only in masculine tones since high school."
"You will learn," she concluded rather sternly, and then smiled. "I can see no reason for your embarrassment. After all it will only be for a few weeks and you will be among us women. Humor me, Carling, and try to be my little Princess?"
I wanted to rebel, but what was the use? Shrugging, I nodded my head in agreement. "I guess it can do no harm."
"Of course not," she sighed, returning me to the poetry reading while using the pitch pipe to modulate my tones for about 2 hours before another woman dressed in black entered the room to be introduced as Mrs. Andrews