Once Charley and I had finished that exchange, Fran had finished transforming Justin into Julie. He was in a floral print dress, brown stockings, white mid-heeled sandals and a long strawberry blond wig with heart-shaped earrings and a gold chain with a cubic zirconia pendant. "You're just gorgeous, girl!" Haley complimented.
"Gorgeous enough to fool Missy and Tammy," Julie added.
Just moments after Julie's transformation was done, Phoebe finished transforming Tim into Tiffany. He was in a black dress, black stockings, black high heeled sandals and a long brunette wig, with a pair of rhinestone earrings and a gold necklace with a gold heart-shaped pendant. "You are so beautiful, Tiffany! Julie complemented.
"We're definitely going to have Missy and Tammy fooled," Tiffany added.