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A transsexual woman tells her life story in a letter to her daughter, in flashback style. We learn about the difficulties she faced to gain acceptance by her family, the marriage she entered into to try to be a "real man" and how she finally found love and sexual fulfillment with a man.

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    I have always felt this way. I can't remember a time when I didn't. At a very early age. I knew something was wrong. I was different. When I would stand naked in front of a mirror, I knew that thing hanging between my legs didn't belong there. I hated it. I detested it. It felt like it was in my way when I walked, stood or sat down. It made me feel uncomfortable. It wasn't a part of me. It belonged to someone else. I prayed to God to fix my body so I could be normal.

    Of course my prayers went unanswered. I was mad at God for what he had done to me. What did I do to deserve this? How many other were there like me? Was I the only one who had been cursed like this?

    My father gave me a ball and bat. I didn't want to play ball. I wanted a Barbie doll like my sister had. I wanted to dress her up and fix her hair. More importantly, I wanted to dress up and fix my hair.