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These stories involve an actual change of sex, either by surgery or by some other method!

Products 49-64 of 400
Reluctant Press Cover Image
Price: $9.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP1029 -

    By then I was wearing the undergarments I was supposed to wear for the production; the corset, the suspenders, the stockings, the French knickers. I never asked - and Clara never said - why I needed to wear all female undergarments, but she had implied that it was to help make me feel like a woman, so I would act more convincingly. I know there was more to it than that. For some reason, she really wanted me to embrace being female - she wanted the look to be total - she wanted me to feel like...

    Reluctant Press Cover Image
    Price: $10.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1028 -

      The cop took one last studious look at Tony, then put is hands on Tony's shoulders and slipped the dress down over them, down his upper arms, the still further until Tony's new breasts bounced out freely from the dress's confines. Now Tony really wished he had worn a bra. Tony felt his face starting to burn as the officer's large hands cupped each breast and began to massage them and roll them. Tony just stood as though frozen in fear, not moving as the officer continued to fondle hs assets....

      Reluctant Press Cover Image
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1022 -

        I didn't even feel the needle penetrating my skin. Waves of drowsiness washed over me after a minute or so. I felt myself slipping into a semi-conscious state..."I want you to listen very carefully to me now, When you hear Amanda or anyone else refer to you as Terri, it will make you happy. the more you hear people calling you Terri, the more comfortable you will feel with the name. The more you hear people calling you Terri, the more normal it will feel. Greg will begin to feel like a strange...

        Reluctant Press Cover Image
        Price: $9.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1011 -

          As the only other transgendered woman in the group, Cindy remembered her own reaction, a stunned "Oh my God" when she saw her female self for the first time, wearing a long green dress, black stockings, and black patent leather pumps. She hesitated in her response, trying to say the exact right thing. "You will always remember this moment, girl, cherish it. Ladies, let us give the young lady some time and space to revel in her feelings. Girl, join us when you are ready to take on the world as...

          Reluctant Press Cover Image
          Price: $10.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1010 -

            Jack's pictures did not excite Marianne - indeed Jack had expressed strong suspicion that Marianne, known to him only as Martin, was a queer because of Martin's obvious lack of interests in them - but something else was exciting Marianne greatly, right now. Her secret excitement was more intense than it had ever been before, except perhaps when she was climaxing with an imaginary boy. Her dearest dream, nurtured in solitude since 1951 when she was only 11 years old, was about to come true. Now...

            Reluctant Press Cover Image
            Price: $10.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1004 -

              I ran, not because of her words, but because of the knife in her hand. The problem was that I ran in the wrong direction. Instead of turning back I had gone further into this colorful neighborhood. If there ever was a moment to start panicking, it was then and so I did. I was flipping so hard that I didn't notice the police car pulling up next to me. Before I knew what was happening, I was pushed into the car by a police woman. She hadn't cuffed me. Not that it was necessary. With those heels,...

              Reluctant Press Cover Image
              Price: $10.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1001 -

                Putting on her los top tennis shoes, she walked across the room. Suzanne felt pain in her lower legs. Replacing the tennis shoes, Suzanne discovered that her legs wouldn't permit her to wear normal shoes and she would be restricted to wear high heels all the time now.Gone were the days of carefree living. Now she knew that whenever she wore her jeans or short shorts, she would stand ot like the whore she had become.Doris watched her as Suzanne attempted to reverse the Bimboization process...

                Reluctant Press Cover Image
                Price: $10.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP994 -

                  Andy reacted badly to the news that he was supposed to stay in character as his sister, continuously, for a few weeks or more. It wasn't that he was scared of being found out that he was really Andrea's brother, a boy in a dress, not that he didn't enjoy himself hanging out with Andrea's freinds, or even that he felt uncomfortable about meeting with his sister's boyfriend on dates. To the contrary, Iam was being like a true gentleman and giving him the space he'd asked for, and he had fun,...

                  Reluctant Press Cover Image
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP991 -

                    "Dad," Andy asked directly, "If the police asked you to dress up in women's clothing to catch a rapist who had hurt your sister, what would you do?"His dad sighed slightly and rubbed his big strong hands together. Then he looked Andy in the eyes before giving an honest answer. "It's a tough call, Andy, and one that only you yourself can make - but do what you think is the right thing. There's a bad man out there - one who has left your sister in a coma and could hurt others. And let's be...

                    Reluctant Press Cover Image
                    Price: $10.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP983 -

                      My therapist's words about being careful were still ringing in my ears - but those words were overridden by my desire to see him again. I wanted, needed, absolutely had to get to know the man behind those gorgeous blue eyes.The thought that this might lead to a long term relationship and at some point a sexual one, began to weigh heavily on my mind. I was worried about whether or not this was going to be a possibility, particularly since I was sexually inexperienced - at least on this side of...

                      Reluctant Press Cover Image
                      Price: $10.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP982 -

                        My therapist's words about being careful were still ringing in my ears - but those words were overridden by my desire to see him again. I wanted, needed, absolutely had to get to know the man behind those gorgeous blue eyes.The thought that this might lead to a long term relationship and at some point a sexual one, began to weigh heavily on my mind. I was worried about whether or not this was going to be a possibility, particularly since I was sexually inexperienced - at least on this side of...

                        Reluctant Press Cover Image
                        Price: $9.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP981 -

                          Thursday brought about the start of Dan's Fifth Level raising. When he came down from the bedroom, the other witches all noticed a difference in him, how he was walking, how he was conversing and, most of all, certain feminine mannerisms that he was using. Harriet herself was not surprised; she had been giving him potions that would eventually feminise his mind to go in tune with his body, together with the talk that they'd had together the night before.As it became time for them to start...

                          Reluctant Press Cover Image
                          Price: $10.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP979 -

                            "I can't go home like this!" he squealed. "What would my auntie say?""You can't go home like what?" Margery asked innocently."Y... You know, dressed like a g... girl," Jimmy whispered, frantically indicating his pretty dress, afraid the cab driver might overhear them.But Margery just pooh-poohed his concerns. "The earlier Betty sees the new you, the better. Or did you want to keep your time as a girl a secret from her?"Margery had to literally push the pretty would-be miss into her home. Betty...

                            Reluctant Press Cover Image
                            Price: $10.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP977 -

                              Dan woke fully only to feel the first contortions of his body. It was happening, he was starting to change, and it scared the hell out of him. His heart began pounding and soon he began having spasms of pin in his back... severe back pain and muscle contractions through his torso, arms and legs. His toes and fingers began to cramp, his legs cramped and it was all happening at once.He had pain in his groin as if he had been dealt a heavy kick in his scrotum. He felt his very bones aching with a...

                              Reluctant Press Cover Image
                              Price: $10.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP971 -

                                "Sarah Pennington needs her operations but quick, Jaqueline, what time schedule had you planned?""At present Sarah is doped to the eyeballs and has no idea as to what is happening to her. She is receiving shots of hormones every day. I intend in four weeks time to do cosmetic surgery on her, a nose job to start with. The only person who has access to her apart from me and the nurses attending her is Gloria. All Gloria talks to Sarah about is how wonderful she will find being a love machine and...

                                Reluctant Press Cover Image
                                Price: $10.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP967 -

                                  I hated getting back into the medshell, having all the leads attached to me, to my female parts. Jackie walked me to it and watched me disrobe, me, perfectly female, blushing and naked, before her. She directed me to the padded bed inside the shell and strapped me in."You'll wake up off Foreman," Lady Jacqueline Ivany said to me with a smile of sympathy. "I'd love to see yo awaken, Abigail, but I have to work on the planet. Anya," she nodded at the female medtech from somewhere in the Nebula...